Sunday, September 12, 2010

We Are Still Alive!


*Yesterday we took our first family bike ride! We rode our bikes to a nearby park. I had Miles strapped on me...and I was seriously struggling to ride my bike uphill. I loved seeing Emery and Ethan be so excited to go on a bike ride!

*We still haven't sold our house in Utah. It has been difficult...but I know that the Lord knows what is best for us. We are just so grateful that Jac can pick up "side jobs" to pay for both homes. I know that when the time is right...our house will get sold. (or rented)

*Family Favorite - the animated "Avatar:the last airbender" The series is free on Netflix. Way cute!

Emery: She's a 1st grader! She really enjoys school! I love picking her up and seeing the smile on her face. She has become a HUGE helper. I was sad when she started school full-time because I didn't have my helper all day. She loves animals and loves to play animals. (both toys and putting her hair a pig-tails as her 'puppy ears') She has started to make jokes that are actually funny. (haha)

Ethan: He's a preschooler! This will be his first full year. He's really been into super hero's lately. (He loves IronMan & Ninja's) Without Emery's full time persuasion on what they play...he's actually gets to play with boy stuff. =) It is fun to see him grow up. He tells stories and starts off.."No, seriously Mom..." It is really cute the way he says seriously.

Preston: He is in a little preschool that some moms are doing. Tomorrow will be Day 2 trial run. He is potty trained! It was a happy day when he could go #2 on the potty without any issues. When he wants your attention....he simply asks, "Look at me, Look at me Mom." He also loves super hero's and anything boy.

Miles: Teething. Getting his 4th tooth. He crawls everywhere. On our main floor we have no carpet and he usually walks flat footed or has really chaffed knees. He's starting to eat some table food and loves it! And of course, we couldn't have Miles if there was no Smiles. He has such a happy smile and shares it often...which we love.

Jac: Loves his job! And loves the people he works with. He is the cub master in our ward. He loves it that he can be with the boys and influence their lives. The boys call him "Brother Awesome." He's a great dad and husband! He makes me laugh.

Britt: I really like my life simplified. And it's difficult with the 2 kids in preschool, and a full-time 1st grader...I find my new best friend is: MY VAN. I feel like I'm doing a lot of rescheduling of schedules and driving. (but I am very grateful for my van!) Once I find my new schedule...I'll be just fine. Just finished "Mockingjay" - 3rd book of Hunger Games...I liked it.