Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Catching Up: Emery's Dance Recital

A proud little brother

Emery's Dance Class
They had such cute costumes!

Mother and Daughter

Emery all ready to go to her dance recital

After a year's worth of dancing, Emery had a dance recital!  She had so much fun and were with many girls from our neighborhood.  It was one of the first times she wore make-up....and it always makes me nervous to when she gets older.  I have such a beautiful girl!  Thanks to all the grandparents who came and made my little girls day special. 

Family Reunion

At the end of June, we had a family reunion at Jackson Hole.  It was a HUGE family reunion with about 50 people attending.  Everyone was there except my sister and her family and a cousin.  We missed them....but had fun nonetheless.  We did kayaking, hiking, boating, went to the Bar J Wranglers, the kids had a horse ride and of course we did lots of talking.  It was so fun to see all of our family! (And Lauren: I can't wait to see the pictures you took)