Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Saturday Morning

Look at the time....

It is Saturday morning, and my kids are still sleeping.  This never ever happens.  And what is a mom to do with all this free time.....MAKE PANCAKES!  I had the idea from my bro, Nate.  So here were my creations.

I tried to make a flower....but it turned out to look more like a turtle instead, oh well!

This one, I did in hopes of Nate and Lo's "future" minivan...but I think one could easily mistake it as a roller skate. 

This one, I tried to make a car...and I over succeeded and created a Monster Truck. =)

And I tried to be creative here and create a butterfly pancake.  
And of course, I did the famous Mickey Mouse pancakes.

So there it Saturday morning.  And I'm sorry these are lengthy entries, but I would usually use Picasa and put my pics in a collage....but Jac got me a Mac and it can't install Picasa....yet.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Sweet Baby Girl

This week I have had nothing really planned...quite boring, I guess, but it is a week for me to battle our office.  My sister and her husband came to visit and I was so embarrassed about my house, that today, I did something about it.  Here is a picture of the "clean" office.  (For those who saw our office before KNOW that there is an improvement)

Also, as I was cleaning the office, I had a collection of pictures of Emery.  Here are still shots of her when she was 1, 2 and 3.  I can't believe that she is growing up so much.  She is such a blessing in my life.  She is just so smart and beautiful and such a great big sister.  I love her enthusiasm for life.  Love you sweet pea!


*Thinking about it, Emery just turned 2 in the first picture*

Friday, May 23, 2008

Emery's Last Day of Preschool (until next year)

So, Emery has finished her 2nd year of preschool today.  Her teacher, Kim, dressed up as a clown. The kids got their faces painted, colored and did some circus games and clown fun.  Emery brought Kim a sun catcher that she painted herself.  Kim has been an awesome teacher.  Along with just learning the basics, I think one of the most amazing things Emery has accomplished in her 2 years of preschool is being in the "200 club" and counting to 229.  

Monday, May 19, 2008

Planting Day

Every Spring time my Grandparents have Planting Day.  All of their family is invited to help put in flowers for the upcoming year.  It has been a tradition for as long as I can remember.  I love going and being with family.  I love forming closer bonds with family and enjoying how beautiful my grandparents garden is.  Their garden is calming and I love how the smell of flowers in bloom really takes you away for just a moment.  I am so grateful for my Grandparents and what a great legacy they are leaving for their family, they are great examples to me on how important family is and that can really be together forever.  Love you Grandma and Grandpa!      

Surfing the Net

I really want a cute bathing suit this summer.  I drove by this sign that said "Modest Swimsuits" which caught my eye.  I looked on it and it actually has cute and modest swimsuits.  I don't know if I'll get any suits from here, but it sure is fun to look at! 

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Teddy Bear's Picnic

Today, We had a Teddy Bear Picnic!  The nearby library organized it and had "Story-Time" and had a Teddy Bear Picnic.  All the kids brought a lunch and their teddy bears.  Emmy actually brought her Cheetah named "Saleesha." So then the librarian read books, had a parachute and did a "teddy bear" parade.  Some friends were there so it was nice and fun.  Emery enjoyed every minute while Ethan was involved a little but more into the park that was there.  It was a beautiful day especially for a Teddy Bear's Picnic. =P 

A day at the mall

This past week I met up with my Mom and went shopping! It was a huge success.  We found some cute things for the kids.  Thank you Mom! I took this little video shot of what Ethan was doing while the girls were looking at clothes.

Sorry, it is sideways but he I think it was funny that he was experimenting with the escalators.  Before this shot, he really had his head bouncing against the hand rails! I guess he wasn't too interested in shopping. =)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mom, is this how you spell kitty?

Emery came with this picture and asked me if this is the way you spell "kitty." She tried to spell it twice, that meaning the "kty" or the "kde" version.  After I told her that she was smart and that I was proud of her for trying, I told her the right way to spell kitty.  This is the first time that she tried spelling anything on her own.  I am so proud of her.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Life is great at the moment.  I have 6 kids sleeping at the same time....and I'm writing an entry for my blog! What could be better.  This morning, Jac got up early and started working on the deck! YEAH! (Happy Mothers Day to me!) So, he went to go get a truck from his brother...and lo and behold he came back with Tyler and his 3 kids.  Emery and Ethan were excited to play with their cousins, and I was glad I had something to do today.  So after playing outside, playing some Mario Kart, and eating Dino Nuggets...I conquered the "nap-time." Cute little Lyncoln fell asleep in the high chair at lunch, I put Preston in his crib and I put the 4 kids in a room.  I was so excited, I had to take pictures and write about this monumental event.

Rice Cereal Baby!

Yes, Preston is 6 months old! So on that big day, Preston had his first taste of Rice Cereal.  And, I must say that he loved it.  For a while now, he has been "eyeing" our food by either watching our spoon go to the plate to our mouths or licking his lips hoping he could have a taste some day.  Well, Thursday was his big day!  And he loved every bite! wohoo.
I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

O Christmas Tree

"O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How lovely are thy branches" I guess this year, that saying will have two meanings. This is what our backyard looks like from the inside. Some might say, that our Christmas Tree is entirely dead and "how not lovely are thy branches" and why do we still have it in May. And add that we have a lot of work to do....and I would totally agree. Several weeks ago, we were watching the birds play in our backyard. Then we noticed that one of these birds, picked up a piece of grass and flew into our dead Christmas tree. Not until yesterday, did we really investigate. Thanks to my mother-in-law, we investigated and found.....