Sunday, January 17, 2010


These past 2 weeks have been, let's say....FULL of changes. I am overwhelmed and trying to keep calm through all the stress. I am excited and happy for these changes, so I am just taking one day at a time.

The first big change is having 4 kids!! I love my beautiful baby boy. The kids are adjusting great and I've realized that Preston is "so not" a baby anymore. He seriously has grown up overnight. We went out and picked up some dinner with all the kids and having 4 kids is quite the adventure. I wouldn't change it for the world, it just takes some time getting used too.

Also, Jac has accepted the offer to work for Jive Software in Boulder, CO. He just got back from a 4 day conference and is excited to be working for Jive. We are all excited for his new job venture and are anxious to get to Colorado. We are going to go house hunting in a couple weeks. Yeah for a bigger home!!!

Since we are moving to the Denver area, we are in the process of getting our house in order to sell. So, my days are filled with packing and taking care of the kids. It is busy but we are excited to move on to the next step in our lives. It is kindof scary for the unknown, but exciting...but I know if we trust in the Lord, we'll be exactly where He wants us to be. And with Him we can't go wrong and there is no need to be scared.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Welcoming Miles Romney

Here are a few pics of my cute little baby boy. He was born 2 January 2010. He weighed 8lbs and 12 oz and was 20 inches long. I didn't have the camera at the hospital (whoops!) but took a few shots at home. I'm anxious to get sibling pics....and will post those soon.

I started having little contractions early on the 2nd. I was a little shocked I was going into labor since I was a week early and my other 3 kids weren't but a day early. But as the day progressed....they were definitely labor contractions. They weren't regular so I wasn't so anxious to go to the hospital. But by 4pm, I knew I was going to have this baby tonight. When I was having a contraction, at first, all of my kids laughed at me. Ha ha...very funny. After Jac explained that the contractions hurt mommy...the two older ones stopped laughing...but Preston loved laughing and mixed it up with growling back at me. Emery kept on saying, "Miles....stop hurting Mommy!" And Ethan just patted my shoulder and said that it was going to be okay. Looking back on was quite humorous.

I was waiting for them to become more regular....but it didn't really happen until later. But since I knew I was having the baby, I called my mom, friend and sister and telling them that the baby was coming tonight. Over anxious....I know....but extremely excited. Jac made dinner and we packed up the kids and dropped them off at his parents house. We finally made it to the hospital. It was around 8pm. They checked me and I was dilated to a 7. They quickly rushed me into the delivery room and hooked me up with an epidural. (which I was VERY thankful for!) My parents arrived at this time. When the doctor came in to break my water, my dad excused himself, and with 3 contractions and a couple pushes....Miles Romney Wright entered the world! The first thing he did was pee on the doctor! haha. My dad went to go get a welcoming gift for Miles out of his car and when he came back Miles was here. So, I was at the hospital for 1 hr and 41 min before I had the baby.

Emery and Ethan picked this outfit out for Miles. It was his going home outfit.