Monday, November 8, 2010

Preston is 3

Isn't he cute!?!

Looking back on pictures...makes me want to have an infant again...someday, someday.

Preston has brought so much "joy" into my life that somehow was missed by his older siblings. Let me give you a few instances:
*drinking fingernail polish - and for the first time had to call poison control
*smearing poop all over the toilet seat and getting it all over his body and hands all because he was bored
*having poopy issues in trying not to go poop in the toilet.

Lately, Preston has started to sing (a little). He started with "Twinkle, twinkle little star" and that lasted about a day....but now he loves to sing his ABC's (or as he calls it A-B song)
He is very much into anything superhero...loves Batman, spiderman, and transformers. (seeing that maybe he's seen one episode of one of these...but nevertheless...loves these things) For about 2 weeks, Preston has been asking for a Batman toy....thanks to tv commercials.

Today, we had preschool...and since it was at my house...I made cupcakes so we could sing to him and celebrate his b-day. One of his friends brought a balloon, and another gave a gift. (which was really sweet of his friends to bring..Thank you!) So after cupcakes and gifts...Preston was having a great time. So after preschool was over...Preston told me that he wanted another party. "Mom, Can I have another party?" This just made me laugh.

Jac came home and we went to our favorite pizza place, Old Chicago. Preston: "Pizza Party" Jac had heard that on their "family night" the kids could decorate their own pizzas and they would cook it for them. Awesome, right! Their "family night" is on Tuesdays so Jac called in advance to see if it was ok if we could do it on a Monday, and it was no problem! The kids loved it! And it was awesome that Old Chicago could make that exception for us.

Dinner was good. We got home and Preston opened up his Batman Toy. It was a little action figure of Batman with his Batmobile. (from imaginetix) All the kids played together and it was just a fun birthday night.

I just love Preston so much. Even though he has given me "experiences" that my first two didn't...I wouldn't change it for the world. He brings a little spice into our lives. With those big brown eyes, mischievous laugh, and all boy through and through...he is our little gift from heaven.


Rheanna said...

We celebrated Alec's birthday yesterday too...I can't believe he's already 3...they are growing up way too fast!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Preston!

The Galvez-Wrights said...

Aww, so sweet Britt. He does have such beautiful brown eyes. Happy Birthday Preston! xoxoxo
Oh and, I think that it would be great if Jackie and Emery were email pen pals. I'll have Jackie email her from my email account to yours- ok? Or does Emery have her own email address?

Maxmomma said...

I can't believe he is three!!!! Happy birthday little man! You are such a good mom to those babes!

ali said...

We love Preston too! He is hilarious, athletic and just plain handsome! It sounds like he had a wonderful birthday filled with friends, family....and Batman! Give him a hug for us!