Sunday, December 5, 2010


Jac did Movember with his co-workers for the month of November. It is a charity kind of thing to bring awareness about men's prostate cancer...and they grow their beards out for the month of November. It has been the only time where I willingly let Jac grow out his facial hair. It was fun seeing him grow it out...but after the whole month...I don't like it. I didn't like kissing him: too scratchy! But to be honest, after he shaved it off after the month - it took some time getting used to his "baby face" again. But now I'm glad that I can kiss my sweetie without getting scratched!
Many faces of Jac:

Early Beard

Untrimmed Stache and beard





Sarah Turley said...

I hate mustaches...ew

Maxmomma said...

Haha! Glenn did this too, but let's be honest- it has nothing to do with prostate cancer! Glenn tried that line on me too and it is so bogus. They want to grow out their facial hair! And who can blame them? They look dashing and it is fun, but I hate the scratch too... and Glenn said it itched badly.

Britt Wright said...

Yea...he looked kind of creepy with his mustache. I'm just glad to have my clean shaven hubby back!