Monday, January 17, 2011

Emery's 7th Birthday!!

There's my beautiful 7 year old daughter!!!



Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins


Ceasar Salad


Olive Garden

Emery got to choose her meal plan for the day. The big present that she wanted was going to get her ears pierced. We went to Claire's and she was a little nervous. We told her that she didn't have to do it, but she wanted to do it. She picked out light pink studs. I held her shaking hand while they pierced her ears. I am so proud of her!!! She did awesome!!!
When we got home, she told me, "Mom, when I am grown up...I'm going to tell my daughter that it hurts to get your ears pierced."
That night we went and ate at Olive Garden with our dear friends. They had a daughter that was turning 9. Our friend asked Emery if it hurt and she said, "oh, just a little." And then when my parents asked her she said, "not really."
She is such a funny girl. Emery, I love you so much. You amaze me every day. I love that you are a wonderful big sister and challenge yourself. Happy Birthday baby girl!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas Card 2010

This year has been one of adventure and one filled with many blessings. At the very beginning of 2010, we were blessed with our fourth child, Miles Romney. Within his first 6 weeks of being born we put our house up for sale, moved into Jacob’s parents house, went house hunting and actually found a place to rent, and moved our family to Boulder, CO.

With our move, we truly have been blessed. We have wonderful friends and neighbors. We have had to rely on the Lord and know that He answers our prayers. May the Lord watch over you and your family in 2011.

Here is what we’ve been up to:

Emery, 7: She is loving being a 1st grader. She enjoys reading, writing, and is interested in fossils and rocks. She wants to be a paleontologist and a farmer when she grows up. She is also enjoying her first year of Girl Scouts. You can usually see Emery in a comfortable t-shirt, exercise pants, running shoes and her hair in braids.

Ethan, 4: He enjoys going to preschool. He loves doing preschool helps a lot with that! He enjoys being anything Ninja. He enjoys printing out coloring pages and pays a lot of attention to detail. He usually finds a picture of a Ninja, Knight or Robin Hood figure and creates costumes after them. You can usually see Ethan in his Ninja costume.

Preston, 3: His biggest accomplishment this year is that he got potty trained! He has started singing to himself and we love to hear his little voice. (fav. song: Jingle Bells) He is all boy which comes with a lot of opinionated views and mischief. You can usually see Preston wearing his Optimus Prime mask.

Miles, 1: “Smiles” took his first steps at 10 months and now loves walking around everywhere showing off his new talent. He fills our lives up with the many smiles he gives. He is such a good baby. You can usually see Miles pretending to talk on the phone with anything he can hold up to his ear.

Jacob: Got hired by Jive Software. He enjoys working with his co-workers. They even had a day where they all went skiing together. He ran his first 10k at the Bolder-Boulder. He participated in Movember and got to grow out his facial hair for a whole month. Jac is cub master and recently got called to be a primary teacher for the Valiant 9-10 class.

Brittany: Keeps busy with feeding kids, taking kids to school, cleaning house (or trying), picking up kids from school and making meals for the family. And in her spare time likes to spend time with her friends and host parties meant for kids. Her life is filled with a lot of her kids (and hubby) which in turn comes with a lot of joy and happiness. She is the Relief Society Meeting Coordinator....and loves being a Mom!