Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kindergarten is coming....

My friend called and told me that they had the class lists up.....and that I should check out what teacher Emery has for Kindergarten.  I was going to go during the boys nap-time but Ethan was SO excited to see Emery's school that I sneaked the drive over before nap-time.  And I'm excited to say that Emery's teacher will be a woman from our neighborhood! YEAH! (I was secretly wanting her to be Em's I'm very excited too!)  So here's to the beginnings of getting ready for Kindergarten.....yipee!

Cute quote:

Emery: Mom, when I die and I'm up in heaven......(pause).....Can you walk?
Me: Yes
Emery: Well, When I die and I'm up in heaven I want to walk and give Jesus a big hug.


Jenn said...

Oh that is the cutest thing I've ever heard! I bet it just melted your heart!

Dione said...

I remember when McKenna started Kindergarten. I'm so excited for you! Welcome to a new phase in your life!

Rochelle said...

Ohh I didn't know they were up, I'll have to go check it out!! Our kids are growing up!!!

Maxmomma said...

Such a cute quote! I am so excited you got the teacher you had been wanting. Is she really this old?! Absolutely wild and wonderful all in one! Good luck- she'll be an adorable little student.

Morgan and Joel said...

Little Em is going to Kindergarten! Hope you are ready for it.

Oh, and I like the daddy's don't get tired quote. I guess that means that Joel has lots of babies...teeheehee

Di said...

Lol, guess I'll have to have Tom read that quote... can you believe our kids are in school already? And I'm going to have 2 this year- Sam's in 1st and Elena in k----yikes!