Monday, September 21, 2009


Background: For school Emery has to read 15 min a day. She usually reads while Ethan is at pre-school and fortunately we are at my mother-in-laws. My mother-in-law has a big basket of scriptures in her living room. One day Emery decided to read the scriptures for her 15 minutes that day.

For FHE on Monday we went to Deseret Book and got a picture of the temple to put in the kids room. I showed Emery the Book of Mormon I found. She looked at me and said, "Oh! Mom can we please get this so I can have my own scriptures?" When I said "Yes" she hugged the scriptures and was jumping up and down yelling, "Thank you! Thank you!" Then all the ride home she wanted to tell her Grammy that she had her own scriptures and didn't have to use hers. What a beautiful sweet heart!

The other week we had a Zucchini Cook-off and Indexing Enrichment. I had always heard about the Family Search Indexing program....but I have never actually done any indexing. So, it was interesting and seemed pretty kind of style. The Zucchini recipes were surprisingly ALL delicious. Some of my favs were: Zucchini and Cheese dip, Orange and Zucchini Bread, the "Mock" Apple Cobbler, and a Chicken and Zucchini-Stove top casserole.

So the next day I was just hanging out and I decided to do some indexing.....AND I really enjoyed it! For some reason, actually documenting people's names....they come to life. I feel like I am contributing "that" much more....I don't know, it seems funny, but there is a connection you feel and you are excited for the people on the other side.


Dione said...

Yay for indexing! I've indexed over 16,000 names! I find it's relaxing and very interesting, even though I don't know much more about them other than their name, where they came from, how many kids they have at home, if they could read and write, etc.

Try indexing death records! Now that's interesting! They recorded that some infants died of teething! Fascinating stuff!

Hint: it's a great place to look for baby names!

Kristin said...

Britt, I'm so happy that life keeps you so happy.

Maxmomma said...

What a sweetheart Emery is! I don't know about indexing- please teach me! I've missed your posts, it's fun to read them. How are you feeling these days?

Di said...

Yay for Emery, I remember getting my first scriptures...You're going to have to share some Zuc recipes! Hm, can you make mock apple pie with Zuc? I'm going to have to try indexing, what a great enrichment!

tarynn said...

That orange-zucchini bread sounds good... do you have the recipe?