Thursday, September 24, 2009

Just an ordinary day....

Nothing really exciting happened today.....just felt like writing a little post.

Well, I woke up at 5am this morning and by 5:30am was on my way to the temple. I went with my friend Angela and was praying that her 5 month old baby would be fine without her....and to find out in the end that our prayers were answered and she was a happy baby when she came home. So that is all good news! Came home and stared at my beautiful children.

Then we went to the library and got 7 books for Emery to read and 3 back-packs for all of the kids to wear home filled with a couple books each. Hit story-time, came home with playdough, made Mac & Cheese and got Em off to school. Put the boys down for a nap and watched a couple episodes of "Burn Notice."

A couple days ago, the sister missionaries called and asked if Jac and I would be available to join them at an investigators home for a discussion. Of course, we cleared our schedules since it would be a good experience. Then, I got really nervous. I feel like I've been a missionary in other ways...but not really the proselyting kind of missionary work. Am I bad for feeling a little bit nervous and scared? It ended up that they couldn't have a discussion so we met them instead. It was fun meeting someone who was investigating the church. So....that went fine and hopefully I will be able to attend a real discussion....and be able to put my two-cent testimony in.

Then we picked up the kids and my friend fed us dinner. So....wha-la....there was my day in a nutshell. Tomorrow, I have a docs appt and have to drink the glucose drink. I'm just excited because when it is time to have the sugar drink....that means the baby is that much closer to being here. Yeah! Baby name ideas: Miles.....and that's as far as I have gotten. =)


Dione said...

If that's an ordinary day than you're Wonder Woman! You rock!

Jenn said...

I like Miles! Cute! =)

The coolest Petersens said...

I always liked Landon! and since I am done having kids you can use it!

Kristin said...

I too like Miles. Good luck with the glucose test. They really suck.

Rochelle said...

Sounds like a wonderful day:)!!!

Chris and Christie said...
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Chris and Christie said...

Wow that is a great Day! I like the name Miles. Very Cute!

Maxmomma said...

Wow, look at all these comments and you only posted last night! You are loved and it is no wonder! That is a really impressive day and I am excited for those investigators to hear your beautiful testimony that you live so well. I miss you and those beautiful kids. Good luck on the glucose test. I know I process that glucose just fine. I ate a popsicle ten minutes ago and Ali is dancing around like a wild woman inside of me!

Lauren said...

I really don't like the glucose drink...yucky! :) But, you're right! It means being that much closer to meeting the little guy! By the way, I LOVE the name Miles!

I loved reading about your day! Sounds like a great one!

Love you!

Rachel said...

I really love the glucose drink, it reminds me of Tang, if I could I would drink it for you.

Di said...

We love Burn Notice!!! I think Jordan, Landon, Allen or Dustin (ok, not my fav) or Brandon or something would go great with Ethan and Preston... ooh, or Weston :D You're amazing if that's a normal day!