Monday, August 11, 2008

Don't eat President Monson!

When we were at Snow Bird, we had Family Home Evening.  Nate, my bro, prepared a little lesson about a favorite prophet, and he taught us about President Monson.  It was really neat to hear stories about our prophet.  Then my mom had a game afterwards.  She had bought a big M&M basket from an auction and played a game with these M&M's.  So, one person would step out and we would put a handful of M&M's on a plate.  We would decide which M&M would be "Pres. Monson" and then the person who stepped out would have to pick out the M&M's one by one until they picked the M&M that was deligated as "Pres. Monson" and then everyone would scream "Don't eat Pres. Monson!"  What a fun game and we ate lots of M&M's.  mmmm.....I loved spending time with my family.  


Kristin said...

That sounds like a fun little game! Good ol' Snowbird. Ahhh, good memories. :)

Hadlock Hideaway said...

That game sounds like so much fun, and you get to eat M&Ms... Perfect! We'll have to do that one!

Sarah Turley said...

Emmy and Ethan have the same smile. haha

Lauren said...

That WAS such fun! I loved all being together (of course, that was the best part...even better than the M&Ms). :)