Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Seven Years and still going strong....

Written Yesterday:

Today, I have been married to Jac for 7 years! Crazy! I doesn't even seem like we've been married for that long. I wouldn't change the last 7 years for anything. Seven years ago today, I got sealed to the most wonderful man on earth and was married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. Seven years later we have a great home, wonderful friends and have 3 beautiful children who are the joys in our lives!!


Well, Jac totally out-did himself. Around 4:00 pm, Jac told the kids that they were going over to play at Grandma's. That was a surprise....because it was different from our original plan. (so I knew that Jac had something up his sleeve) Then Jac told me to get my "nice" clothes on. I was wondering what he was up too. Soon after, we were on our way dropping off the kids and heading up to Temple Square. Hmmm....he took me to "The Roof" restaurant!!!! It was so fun and beautiful! It overlooked the temple and it was amazing. They had GREAT food and 25 different kinds of desserts.

Then we went and saw the new Joseph Smith movie. It was really good. I started crying when little Joseph asked his mom to leave during his operation. I never really saw it from that perspective, I guess. It is amazing how many trials the early saints went through to give us religious freedom. Although, the trek to Salt Lake was extremely difficult and hard...and I am truly grateful for their sacrifice...I didn't realize the day-to-day torment they had to survive. I feel so blessed to live in this day and have religious freedom because of their sacrifices.

So....Jac did an awesome job planning our anniversary. (He definitely got the short end of the stick this year. All I did was promise him to make snickerdoodles for him...and I haven't even done that yet) Thank you Jacob! I love you!

(okay...the pics are blurry...but you get the idea, right?)


Hadlock Hideaway said...

Way to go Jacob! Sounds like it turned out to be a great night.

Britt, you better get making those snickerdoodles! lol

Morgan and Joel said...

You look like a super-model in those pics! And why exactly is Jac carrying another girl? hmmm? Happy anniversary!

Sarah Turley said...

I'm so glad you guys got married. Now you can dress him and he won't tuck t-shirts into his jeans!

Rochelle said...

WOW!!! I love this post, I love people who are in love, and even more when they have been married for a while:) Here's to the next 43 years!!!

Maxmomma said...

Happy Anniversary Britt!!!! You looked GORGEOUS in all these pics (including the one at the top of you with Jac and the kids). Seven years?! Crazy! I still remember meeting Jac for the first time at that cowboy poetry reading that we went to with the fam- you remember? Classic moments! I am so happy you two are so in love!

Jessi said...

It's fun to see those pictures again...and to know I saw the 'whole thing go down', beginning with us ladies sitting in music 1010 (?) and hearing "Jac Wright" called in the roll right after you. "Britt, if you married that guy you wouldn't have to change your name!" We said. O' what fun memories. You two really are perfect for each other. Thanks to both of you for being such great examples to follow. Love you both.

Josh and Emily Mason said...

Congratulations!! I always think of you guys on Feb. 9th. It really is amazing to think it's been that long!! If anyone's wondering about the girl Jac's carrying in the pic, it's me-- Jac, you'll always be my "brother from another mother"! :o) Love you guys.

Di said...

Yay for 7!!! Sounds like a wonderful night- I'm so impressed with Jac's planning! Tom was still asking what we were going to do as we drove away from his parents after dropping the kids off...oh well, it was still fun and we're still in love! I LOVE that 1st pic, you look gorgeous! (as always :) oh, and the Wright room is here, anytime you get the urge to visit!!!

Britt said...

How fun! 7 years...wow. We're just behind you! Cute pics. Good old Plyg House(sp?) I remember seeing you guys looking all dreamy eyed at each other in Castillija. I can't believe it's been 7 years. You have such a beautiful family now, and you're both as cute as ever.