Friday, March 20, 2009

The Luck of the Irish

One day Emery came home from preschool and told me that she learned that leprechauns are real and that if we don't set up a trap for them they would steal our gold. She was very determined about keeping our gold safe so that a little leprechaun wouldn't steal it.

So....what did Emery come up with??? She and Ethan made a leprechaun trap! They found a mason jar, some ribbon, tape, a penny, some Popsicle sticks....and this is what they came up with. So, yes, I am announcing our 2009 St. Patrick's Day Leprechaun trap. Tadaa. I hope you enjoy the pics.

So once finished, Emery insisted that the trap be placed outside our front door so that we would be safe from leprechauns coming into our house. As you can see, we placed a penny at the bottom of the jar so that the leprechaun would climb the ladder; hop in the jar, grab the penny and then would get stuck and set him free after St. Patrick's Day. To her dismay, when she checked in the morning, no leprechaun was must have been the luck of the irish. She said that the leprachaun wasn't caught because she should have put her "gold medal" she won at preschool in the bottom of the jar instead of the penny because her "gold medal" was real gold.

So...what did we learn from this? Next time put her "gold medal" in the bottom of the jar so that it would be more appealing to the leprechaun instead of a penny. We'll have to remember that for next year!


Jenn said...

Haha, she is so smart that Emery! Cute pics!

katie said...

Well now it all makes sense, Gage has been trying to tell me something about a leprechaun but I couldn't put it all together. I get it now. Very cute trap!

Di said...

That's awesome! Smartypants aren't they? and so creative!

Kristin said...

That is so creative and smart of Emery. I love how she used scotch tape in the bottom of the jar--so the leprechaun would get stuck!

Dione said...

By the looks of it, the leprechaun won't be getting their chocolate (judging by the chocolate smears on their faces)! That is so adorable I just want to smoosh them!

Britt said...

How fun. They are so cute. Congrats on joining cub scouts's so fun!

Britt Wright said...

haha Dione! It would seem like my kids faces are always messy with something or another. Who is there mother anyway? sheesh.

Rochelle said...

Hmm I think he came to our house and stole all our gold, I wondered where all our money went:) Maybe they can make one for us!!!