Monday, March 30, 2009

My big girl

Well, as some of you may know....Emery is registered for Kindergarden!!!  At registration, they gave me a list of things that a child should "know how to do" before going to kindergarden.  (the list consisted of a child knowing their colors, shapes, counting to 10 etc.)  One of the items was tying one's shoes.  Ha!  Now, do I know any pre-kindergardener who can tie their shoes?  NO! (until now)

Emery goes to dance and the dance assistant quickly taught her how to tie her shoes while putting her shoes on at the end of dance.  For the past few days, Emery has tried really hard to get the shoe tying thing down....and she did it!!!  

I can officially say that Emery can tie her shoe without it coming easily un-done.  Yeah for my big girl!


Riddle Girl said...

Yeah for Emery!!! Isn't it weird and fun all at the same time to be getting a child ready for school?!

Oh no, my first grader still doesn't know how to tie her shoes. Are they gonna kick her out?
I guess they gave her a bye on that test! :)

Di said...

Hey now, Elena's been tying her shoes for a while now...they don't always stay tied though... Sam still can't tho! Yay for Emery! Isn't it insane she's that old?

Maxmomma said...

Good girl Emery! You always have been immensely bright and talented! Love you Britt- again, you are a great mom!

Rochelle said...

Wow Dalan doesn't even own tie up shoes:) I need to get him registered!!!

Britt said...

That is great! Emmit hardly has any shoes with laces...I guess we better start giving it a try though.

Kristin said...

Hurrah! That's exciting!