Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jac's Birthday Bash (continued)

We had so much fun! Jac's birthday was yesterday and we truly partied all day long. He had to go to work but then we picked him up to go to lunch. He wanted to go to Zupas (a gourmet soup cafe) and it was really quite good. He had a Wild Mushroom Bisque and I had a Tomato Basil soup mixed with Cauliflower was yummy. Yet it was nothing short of Ethan spilling his rootbeer and Preston grabbing my bowl of soup and spilling it. Then after work we headed over to Tyler and Kari's house had hogi's and strawberry shortcake and then we to a place called Jump On It. It is a place where there are tons of trampolines and you jump to your hearts content! The kids had a ball...and so did we. Thank you Tyler and Kari for hanging out with us. Happy Birthday Jacob Wright!


Lauren said...

Happy happy birthday Jacob, dear. Happy days will come to you all year. If I had one wish, then it would be...a happy, happy birthday to you from me! (one day late)

Sorry we didn't call yesterday! We thought about you though! Happy late b-day!

MerryPair said...

Fun pictures! We need to get together sometime, eh?