Friday, April 4, 2008

Let's go fly a kite

The other day, Ethan saw a shark kite flying in the neighborhood. We looked at it for quite awhile and Eth would say "shar" "high." The next morning Ethan woke up wondering where the shark was....and was disappointed not to see the shark flying high in the sky. So on my quick dash to the store, I picked up a shark kite. I showed it to him and he said "Shar" "Me." Finally, yesterday I looked outside and it was a bit windy and so we took the shark kite out for his first test run. Let's just say it was a bit too windy. We got the shark up but the wind was going in 5 different directions that pretty much all the shark did was twirl around in circles and nose dived. haha, it was pretty funny....and the kids loved flying a kite. We also played on the playground! Ethan was so proud to climb the "rock mountain" and I love Emmy's face when she tried the monkey bars all by herself!


Morgan and Joel said...

I love flying kites! How fun to share this with your kids...I wonder if mom and dad still have my trick kite from when we lived in Portland.....

Wright Family said...

You are such a great mom. You love every minute of it(well more than more most I think or at least me). Thank you for being shining example of what a great mom is made of.

Lauren said...

Oh so cute! I love kites too! We've been having so much wind lately too. But, I think it's been too windy for a kite here too. I love the pictures! You sure have cute kids! I love 'em! Give them all kisses from their Aunt Lo!

Love you!

ali said...

You are the cutest mom ever! Ethan looks proud as punch! You know, if you just tied Preston to the kite tail as a counter-weight, maybe, just maybe......