Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tea Party

For the past 2 days, Ethan has been boycotting his naps. After fighting with him for so long, I've given up...well, at least for today. Emery wanted her tea party kit and as far as I know she was just playing with Ethan. Next thing I knew, they had gone downstairs and had gotten "snacks" for their tea party. I layed a blanket down...and they are truly enjoying their tea party. I had to write because it was a "sweet and tender mom moment." I just thought it was cute that (1) they were actually playing together and (2) they had the exact same food on each plate (which consisted of a chocolate heart, M&M's, smarties, a kitkat bar, and a mint) I love my kids!


Kristin said...

Fun! I want to have a tea party!

Wright Family said...

What a great mom you are. I would have gotten upset they gotten into the treats. You're awesome!

Lauren said...

That is so adorable! They must know where the "stash" is! :) Cute, cute!`

Morgan and Joel said...

Now that is what I call a tea party!

Emily S. said...

cute! I wanna play! (I'm glad Vicki linked your blog on MyFamily... It's fun!)

Hadlock Hideaway said...

They truly are adorable kids!