Monday, January 19, 2009

My New Present

Jac went and helped his friend move his family into their new place and when he came back he handed me a piece of paper with a delivery date posted for Monday. As I read around, he went and bought an extra freezer for me! He said it was the one that we were looking at, so I thought it was a half-size freezer....but today, in comes....


(here is the inside of my awesome freezer!!)
I am totally excited about my new freezer!!! It has so much space, it is perfect!!! It is actually a freezer that can be a fridge also. My sweetie did good. Thank you!!!!


Hadlock Hideaway said...

Wow! I like it. I'm officially jealous! I love it!

Rochelle said...

WOw, I'll have to have you freeze some stuff for me if the opportunity ever presents itself:)

Rheanna said...

Turning green I am!!! How fun!

Morgan and Joel said...

IT'S HUGE!!!! You will probably fill it up quicker than you'd think. Speaking of, are you interested in part of a cow?