Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day was great.  All of us went to bed late on Saturday, and then Ethan and Emery woke up at 6:30 am! So, I took the time and prepared breakfast while the kids made a card for their daddy.  So when it was time to wake up their daddy, he got woken up by them tickling his toes! (Emery's idea...I thought it was cute)
Here is a video of Ethan telling us what we prepared Jac for breakfast.

....if you can't tell, we got him oranges and coffee cake. I love how he is whispering since Jac is still trying to get up.
Then at 9:00, we dashed off to church.  I made these Father's day cards for all of the Nursery just to let you know, we did 40 cards.  (Thank you Angela for helping, I couldn't have done it without you)

*If you want to know how to do this card, click on this link.*

So, we gave Jac an automatic ice cream maker...which he is excited for.  From my parents, he got a hatchet and a pocket knife that is good of carving pieces of wood.  I am so grateful for Jacob and all that he does.  He is perfect...for me! I love you babe.


Hadlock Hideaway said...

Ethan is the cutest kid ever! I loved the video. It sounds like you guys spoiled Jac. Fun, fun..

Morgan and Joel said...

Those cards are super cute. Ethan makes me laugh.

Crystal said...

I love the whispering! Kaitlyn always whispers the meal prayer and I can't figure out why.

Rochelle said...

We loved the cards too. When Hunter gave his to Doug, he said, "Happy Fathers Day, this is from Angela". (because Angela helped him with his) it was really funny!!! Happy Fathers Day Jac!