Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thanksgiving Point, Here We Come!

Today, I went to Farm Country with some friends and bought a year pass to Thanksgiving Point.  I am so excited! We will be able to go to Farm Country, the Gardens, and the Dinosaur Museum all year long without paying a dime.  So, if you're going....don't hesitate to invite me along.  (plus, if you don't have a pass, I can get you in at 1/2 price...that's right members privilege)

When Ethan knew we were going to ride ponies...he said he wanted to ride a "Big Horse."  Farm Country only has small ponies...but not today.  Ethan picked the only horse there, that in fact was the "Big Horse" he was talking about. It was so tall that I thought Ethan would fall off, so I walked around with him just incase.  I love my boy...I love my kids!


Hadlock Hideaway said...

Wow, your good.. you got these up quick! I love them! I am so excited that you got a pass:)

Kristin said...

Wow Britt! That is super fun! Can you believe I've never been to Thanksgiving Point? In fact, that night we came to your house was the closest I've ever been. Even Rob's been, and he's never lived in Utah! I want to go!

Rochelle said...

We have one too!! We love it so much, I will always have a pass. WE will have to go often:)

Sarah Turley said...

So cute and fun. Give 'em all hugs for me.