Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Having fun in the Sun!

I just thought these were cute pictures.  We went outside to play in our front yard and just took my camera along.  Emery is holding a flag that she "won" in her summer camp.  It was the first day and they did the "Summer Olympics."  She told us that they did gymnastics, raced each other, read books, and learned the "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar" song.                          

Here is Preston moving around.  He's pulling up on my leg, and loves to move around. (and not quite crawling...yet!)
Ethan is so cute.  Check out that "white" hair!
So, it got hot and we had Otter Pops.  After we finished Emmy was filling her empty wrapper with water to water our plants...she was amazed that they were growing...little did I know that she was watering a weed. (or by Emery's terms: "a small plant")


katie said...

cute picture!

Rochelle said...

I love summer!!!

Hadlock Hideaway said...

Those are cute pictures! Summer is so fun!

Jenn said...

So cute! I love her watering the weeds, haha. I miss Emery so much, and seeing her cute little face makes it even harder! How is she liking primary without me? (It's ok, you can lie and say she's devastated). =) We'll be back soon enough!

Lauren said...

Such cute pictures Britt! I always take my camera along so that I can snap pictures like those. They are the best! So darling!

Kristin said...

Your kids are so beautiful Britt!

The Smith said...

Super cute! You're kids are so fun Britt. But hey, where are the pictures of you? You should start passing the camera to Em to snap some shots of mom:)