Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas is coming....

Happy Holidays Everyone!!

This year, Jacob, decided to venture out on his own and have his own business. The Lord has truly blessed our family through his hard work and determination. He partnered with another guy named Jake and formed the company Gears and Cogs. He keeps busy with his calling as Stake Young Men's Secretary and he also teaches the Missionary Prep class for our Stake. He is a great dad and I am so grateful to have him as my hubby.

Emery is a great big sister. She loves playing with Ethan and tries to be a big helper with Preston. Emery loves to go to preschool. She is going to a preschool in our neighborhood and her teacher encourages her to keep up with her reading and spanish skills. Her aunt taught her to play "Mary had a little lamb" and so now everytime she sees a piano, she is a playing maniac. So...piano lessons might be in her future for this upcoming year. I am so proud of her!

Ethan's most recent triumph is that he is potty trained now! It took 7 looonngg days...but it has definitely payed off. Now, I only have to change 1 dirty diaper....yeah! Ethan loves to play with anything that has wheels...and is somewhat protective over his toys. He is speaking more and more every day and loves to "rough house". He is a silly goose and has the 2nd pair of blue eyes that I fell in love with.

Preston grows up right before my eyes. He really loves putting small items into a bigger item. He is a walking maniac and is interested in everything! He is learning to close doors, eat with utensils, and of course, learning to throw fits. (I must say he learns this from his sister and brother) I love how he is learning to interact with people and loves to give "fives" and wave. He is a friendly guy and his face glows when he smiles.

I keep busy trying to keep up with my family and the house. I am currently serving as a Nursery Coordinator with 5 nurseries with about 10 kids in each. I can't wait till the beginning of next year to be a little less stressed...at least until February. I have been involved in a Girls Accessories business: angelasaccessories.blogspot.com.

My family makes me so happy! I feel so blessed to have their little spirits in my life. I am grateful for this Christmas season and for the Spirit that comes with. I am so grateful for Jesus' birth, life and death so that we can have the gift of repentance and the blessing of living with our families for eternity. May this Christmas season bring much happiness and joy into your lives and reflect on what a great gift Christ is to us. Happy Holidays!


Jessi said...

We sure love you guys:)

Sarah Turley said...

Hey! That aunt is me! See you tomorrow!

Morgan and Joel said...

LOVE the picture. You sure have a cute little family. xoxoxoxo