Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fun in the Snow....and Gingerbread houses!

This morning was so beautiful that the kids and I went out to play. We got all bundled up and helped our friend hand out some fliers and then made a snowman! We used things from around the house. Thanks to the creativity of my kids, his eyes and buttons are skittles; his nose, of course: is a carrot and his arms are candy canes. Emery is holding the snowman's hand and saying, "He's my friend." What a silly goose! Needless to say, we had fun!

Here are our Gingerbread houses for this year!

Jac, Ethan and my Dad helped make this fantastic house.

I decorated this house all by myself. (My creative juices were gone by the time that I got around to landscaping...hopefully next year I'll get around to a yard)

And this cute house was designed by Miss Emery. She was very particular on where I would put the dots of frosting. I think it turned out great! Thank you Mom for organizing the gingerbread house extravaganza!


Sarah Turley said...

You guys have all the fun. I should come visit more often.

Morgan and Joel said...

I'm happy you guys were able to do that even though I ruined the weekend you were originally going to do it. They look scrumptious.

le35 said...

I LOVE the snowman! The skittles really make it, don't they?