Tuesday, May 6, 2008

O Christmas Tree

"O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How lovely are thy branches" I guess this year, that saying will have two meanings. This is what our backyard looks like from the inside. Some might say, that our Christmas Tree is entirely dead and "how not lovely are thy branches" and why do we still have it in May. And add that we have a lot of work to do....and I would totally agree. Several weeks ago, we were watching the birds play in our backyard. Then we noticed that one of these birds, picked up a piece of grass and flew into our dead Christmas tree. Not until yesterday, did we really investigate. Thanks to my mother-in-law, we investigated and found.....



Morgan and Joel said...

Oh, very cool!

shansen20 said...

Guess you won't be getting rid of it now. Oh and by the way, if you want to come to my house Saturday I'm doing a Pampered Chef party at 1. I have an invitation for you but can't find your address. Stacy

Hadlock Hideaway said...


ali said...

The little birds are so cute!
The tree is dreadful...but in a nice way!

Wright Family said...

Who would have thought?

Lauren said...

They surely think it's lovely, don't they? :) Super cute! I'll have to show the girls. They'll think that is so neat!

Hey, the deck is coming along! :)